Montana Antelope Hunting
Directory of 30 Montana Antelope hunting lodges, guides and outfitters in Montana.

Antelope are always a challenging animal to hunt and they make a beautiful trophy. There are great numbers of antelope still roaming the prairie but the Bear Paw’s is also home to the animal where you can find them running the sharp coulees beneath the rugged peaks. The archery season begins September 1st and runs to mid October. The rifle season begins around the 10th of October and ends around the 10th of November.
Learn more about Bear Paw Hunts

Big Sky Outfitters has provided quality managed rifle, archery and muzzleloader hunts for for over 20 years.
Learn more about Big Sky Outfitters

Hunt a private cattle ranch in southwestern Montana. We lease nearly 50,000 acres of prime grass country with plenty of cover and flowing springs and creeks. Stay in a modern log lodge with all the amenities. We travel by truck and stalk by foot through this game-rich country to provide a terrific hunt with lots of action.
Learn more about Black Mountain Outfitters

We have trophy quality antelope at Chase Hill and the Milk River. This hunt can be combined with many of our other hunts. We have excellent antelope populations with minimal hunting pressure allowing for the opportunity on many trophy antelope. Over the past few years we have taken many Boone & Crockett antelope. Antelope permits are a special draw for area 690-00 with an application deadline of June 1st.
Learn more about Chase Hill Outfitters

Antelope prefer the open country. The open plains are where these animals can best use their incredible eyesight to their advantage. Finding an antelope is the easy part, getting in range is the challenge. Long stalks on a very unpredictable animal, makes for a challenging day in the field. Our success rate is very high. You can expect to see 50 to 100 animals a day and take a buck 13 to 16 plus inches. With 14 to 15.5 being the normal.
Learn more about Double Deuce Outfitters

Montana antelope are wiley creatures. Our methods for hunting them may include spot and stalk, decoy, or waterhole blind hunt,
depending on the situation any given day (weather, feeding habits, time of hunt, etc.). Included in antelope hunting rates is the bonus option of pheasants, upland, waterfowl, predator, or prairie dog at no extra charge (as circumstances & seasons allow) if you bag your deer early in your trip. You must provide your own guns, ammo and licenses.
Learn more about Eastslope Outfitters

With high game densities and low hunting pressure our success rates are high. We hunt the cover along river bottoms with adjacent crop land. We use tree stands and ground blinds on waterholes and alfalfa fields. Our archery hunts take place in September and early October.
Learn more about Flatwillow Creek Outfitters

For many years, Harris Hunts has served as the preferred choice of hunters in search of an exciting outdoor hunting trip. We take our clients on a variety of hunts, including antelope hunts on well-managed private ranches across eastern Montana. Our antelope hunts are ideal for individuals and groups, as we take out everyone from individual trophy seekers to fathers and sons looking for a memorable hunting trip together. Often, our hunters take home 13 to 16 inch antelope. Of course, after a fun, yet exhausting day of hunting, you can rest assured knowing that you have a warm bed, a hot shower, and a tasty meal awaiting you. These convenient accommodations will surely help you out in the field the next day!
Learn more about Harris Hunts & Fort Musselshell Outfitters

J&J Guide Service offers guided archery and rifle hunts for Montana Elk, Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer and Antelope. We also offer Turkey, Upland Bird and Waterfowl hunting. With our hard working guides, high success rates and our Christian values, we will ensure that you receive the most honest, enjoyable, and successful hunt possible.
Learn more about J&J Guide Service

Your full service, fair chase hunt for elk, mule deer and antelope takes place on 50,000 acres of private and BLM lands, with our experienced guides and is enhanced by home cooked meals and a comfortable bed. Good conservation practices insure the best quality game possible. See for miles across our rolling hills, then dip abruptly into steep tree-lined ravines. Begin each day of your hunt within the solitude of our camp composed of two mobile homes which assure a relaxed, uncrowded atmosphere. Home cooked meals include your favorite dishes created in our ranch kitchen. Four-wheel drive vehicles are used to get to hunting areas, then the hunt is aided by spotting scopes. As each trophy is taken, your licensed guide will cape, care for and store that trophy for the taxidermist of your choice.
Learn more about Kibler Outfitting & Charter Fishing

The majority of our antelope hunts take place on private ranches near Jordan. We have access to over 50,000 acres of private land. There are many nice bucks in the 13 to 15 inch class. Whether hunting with archery gear or a rifle, this is a great hunt. We are also able to offer 1-on-1 hunts, upon request; please call pricing and availability.
Learn more about Landwehr Outfitters

Welcome to the home of Montana's Finest Mule Deer, Whitetail and Antelope hunting. MAD Outfitting offers several different hunting options for both gun and archery hunters. We pride ourselves on having the best ranch in Eastern Montana. All hunts are 100% fair chase. For four generations our family has hunted the land and after 20 years in the hunting business, we decided to become licensed outfitters. MAD Outfitting also offers guided hunting trips for elk and turkey.
Learn more about MAD Outfitting

If you are looking to hunt antelope, Montana is the right place, and Milk River Outfitters the right company. We have access to numerous ranches along the Milk, Missouri, and Powder Rivers for antelope. These ranches are carefully managed so our clients have ample opportunity at quality animals. We at Milk River Outfitters strive to provide an atmosphere of home cooked meals, comfortable lodging, and a friendly guide staff that will make you feel at home during your stay with us. We run a very high rate of repeat business, boast a very high hunter success rate, and we are very proud of both.
Learn more about Milk River Outfitters

Archery starts in late August. Blinds, decoys, spot & stalk are used and hunter opportunities are high. If you are up for a challenge try these guys with a bow. Rifle hunts are high success rates with non-stop action for 14" to 15" animals making it a great first hunt for kids to join in on. A chance at a 16" is not uncommon. Antelope hunts may be combined with rifle mule deer hunts.
Learn more about Montana Big Game Pursuits

Antelope are plentiful and big in our area. Roaming mostly the sagebrush flats and ranch land, they are found scattered throughout our hunting area. Spot and stalk works best in hunting this unique big game animal.
Learn more about Montana Sporting Club

Antelope thrive on the wide-open plains just to the north and east of the Bull Mountains. These wide-open plains of Montana are known as "Big Sky Country". Although this country is open, it has canyons and creeks that make for putting on a good stalk. You can expect shots in the 100 to 300 yard range. Antelope hunting can be very exciting since you rarely go for a minute or two without seeing buck antelope.
Learn more about Musselshell Outfitters, LLC

I offer antelope hunts on two ranches: The Cascade Ranch and The West Butte Ranch. Both ranches see little hunting pressure each year and consistantly show us big, mature bucks. Shot opportunities are great for both the archery and the rifle hunts!
Learn more about Northern Rockies Outfitters

Eastern Montana offers some of the best antelope and plains deer hunting in the Big Sky State. Approximately 45 percent of the state's antelope harvest and a third of the deer taken come from this area alone.
Learn more about Otter Creek Outfitters

At Pigeye Outfitters we off specialized Big-Game hunts for both archery and rifle for elk, whitetail and mule deer, antelope, and black bear. The Elk/deer rifle season begins the last week in Oct. and runs for 5 weeks ending the weekend following Thanksgiving.
Learn more about Pigeye Outfiffers

Powder River Outfitters leases thousands of acres of prime hunting land in Southeastern Montana. The beautiful landscape combined with our knowledge of the area will result in an experience of a lifetime. Montana is home to many of the largest Whitetail, Mule Deer, Antelope, and Turkeys in the world. Powder River Outfitter has over 20 years experience and our guides will provide you with the absolute best opportunity for a trophy hunt.
Learn more about Powder River Outfitters

Hunting these prairie speedsters is a blast! Not only is the cost a fraction of what you'd pay for most big game species, you're virtually assured the opportunity of seeing lots of game, with plenty of shot opportunity, and your odds of going home with an animal are very high.
Learn more about R & K Hunting Company

Our Antelope hunts are in Montana's hunting district 620. Permits in this area are by drawing only, however the drawing odds are very good for rifle permits and 100% successful for archery permits. Success rate on rifle antelope is 100% and as you can see we harvest some very nice bucks.
Learn more about Redbone Outfitting

Our goal is to provide our hunting and fly fishing guests with a first class trip. Weather your planing a Montana hunting trip for mule deer, whitetail deer, antelope, or elk. Or or a Montana fly fishing trip for trout on some of Montana's legendary waters such as the Madison River, Yellowstone and Missouri River to name a few. We offer an experience to be remembered long after the trophy mounts and photos have faded and lost their splendor.
Learn more about S & W Outfitters

The Ingomar Ranch is host to one of the most impressive antelope populations in the country. Although the antelope are free-ranging they are also territorial which keeps them within their home range on the ranch. The size of the ranch also allows us to better manage hunting pressure throughout the season by rotating hunting areas between groups. We will never schedule hunts back to back for any particular area. Depending on the size of your group you can expect your hunting area to be anywhere from 4,000-12,000 acres. You'll be the only ones assigned to your area so you won't have to worry about competing for game.
Learn more about Self-Guided Hunts

We hunt Antelope in many areas of central and eastern Wyoming and southeastern Montana. We offer Pronghorn Antelope Hunting from either motels or camps including both wall tents to lodge camps. Most of our antelope hunts take place on private leases.
Learn more about SNS Outfitters & Guides Service

Sunday Creek Outfitters can provide a near 100% shot opportunity on our antelope hunts. We offer several types of antelope hunts including rifle, archery decoy and waterhole hunts. Our fair chase Montana Archery Antelope hunts and Montana Rifle Antelope hunts offer our hunters an excellent opportunity to harvest a real trophy antelope! - See more at:
Learn more about Sunday Creek Outfitters

We offer Montana antelope hunts on large blocks of private land in the northwest region of the central plains grassland area of Montana. Most of our leases are north and/or east of the town of Havre. We have under lease over 70,000 acres, and because the antelope are controlled by draw tags, very few are taken each year. The end result is we have several trophy antelope to choose from, the biggest challenge being drawn for the tag. We offer both antelope archery and rifle hunts. The seasons are slightly different then the deer seasons with about a two week overlap near the end of the antelope rifle season.
Learn more about Swan Safaris

The country surrounding the Missouri River provides an unforgettable hunt. Sparsely populated, eastern Montana leaves more room for elk, deer, and antelope. You will be surrounded by wildlife, even outnumbered. Hunt the wide-open spaces for pronghorn antelope, mule deer or whitetail. The spacious prairie around Tillmans offers hunting that you will treasure for a long time.
Learn more about Tillman's Bed and Breakfast

Guided archery hunts & guided rifle hunts take place exclusively on private property. Typical terrain varies from dry rolling grasslands, creek bottoms to rough, steep canyons with scattered timber throughout. The ranches vary greatly from one another in size, terrain, habitat and ease of access. This diversity allows us to place each hunter on the ranch that best suits their needs & personal hunting style.
Learn more about Trophies West Outfitting

There is always a couple weeks overlap of Deer and Antelope seasons, so combo hunts are available in late October and early November. We are 100% on Antelope. Locating your antelope buck won’t be the hardest part in your hunt, stalking them will be. With that said refer back to our record. Our Two Leggins guide knowledge of the animals along with the years of being in the field will get you within range to make an ethical shot. If you haven’t seen a antelope up close they are a beautiful animal and a great and unique addition to your trophy room.
Learn more about Two Leggins Outfitters